Sunday, September 29, 2013

There were lots of smiling faces around SE this past weekend.  On Friday afternoon, I had the pleasure of joining my first running club with our third and fourth grade students.  Over half of our students in third and fourth grades are involved in this incredible program, staffed by our own Senora Hutton, Ms. Parker, Mrs. Pelletier, and several other staff members and parent volunteers.  The excitement is contagious.  I had the chance to run with third graders Kaitlyn and Daniel for most of the way. They were very motivating and kept the conversation going when I was too out of breath to talk.  I was most challenged by Break Neck Hill, as I found myself walking up the hill both times I approached it.  My goal for next time is to actually run up the hill one time.  This is an example of thinking and discussions the students reflect on at the end of their run.  They set goals for next time, they congratulate each other for doing something well, and they reflect on their progress each week.  What a model program for everyone involved.  Special thanks to the parents and staff who have worked out a seamless program for our students.

Saturday...the beautiful skies were just the beginning of the "perfect" day we had for our annual Southeast Carnival.  It is hard to believe that it is the end of September.  It felt more like June with the warm sun and gentle breeze.  It was heartwarming to see the many families who came to Southeast for the day to join in the festivities.  There were numerous games, food, prizes, activities, and silent auction items!  Plus, a playground that was bustling all day with current, former and soon to be SE students. For the morning, I watched my own children participate in the fun activities (see our picture below), but by mid-day I found a home at the ticket booth with Mrs. Brown and enjoyed greeting the children as they arrived.  We also had several E.O. Smith Lions Club student volunteers who ran booths. My favorite was the Alex's Lemonade Stand that was run by our own SE students.  Would you believe they raised over $100?  What a fabulous team they were, and what an important cause to support. Great job!  Finally, special thanks to all of the PTO parents who volunteered in the planning, organizing, set-up, clean-up, and delivery of this day's events.   It is no small task to coordinate it, on behalf of the whole school community...Great job Erin!  You did a marvelous job.