Friday, November 21, 2014
Annual Thanksgiving Feast
It was a special day at Southeast School today. We celebrated Thanksgiving with a delicious feast including turkey and all the delicious trimmings. Our second graders performed several songs to help us get in the festive spirit. And we ended with a whole school recess on the playground.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Staffing Update
Please be informed of a staffing update:
Our Nurse, Mrs. Hanka, is out on medical leave for the next few weeks. She is expected to return at the beginning of January. We will have the Nurse's office staffed with a certified Nurse in her absence. Your children should continue to see our Nurse as needed. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Family Literacy Night
Thank you to everyone who showed up tonight! What a fabulous showing. Thank you to Mrs. Doyle and our UConn interns and staff!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Superhero Run Postponed
Due to inclement weather, the Superhero Run/Walk has been postponed to Sunday, Nov 2. The run will begin at 3 pm and the benefit meal will be at 4 pm at Southeast. We hope you can join us!
Friday, October 24, 2014
Mrs. LaBella Day!
Special congratulations to the Mansfield Teacher of the Year 2015, our own Mrs. Erika LaBella! She embodies the best of all the great teachers in Mansfield. Today we showered her with "Wows!" Please join me in congratulating Mrs. La Bella!
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Open House
Thank you to all the families who came to school tonight. I had extremely valuable feedback from so many families about the great start to the school year.
When I arrived tonight, there were some protestors stationed at our corner regarding the CT Core Standards. I would like to share a few unprompted points, from my perspective as principal.
Mansfield adopted the Common Core slowly over the past three school years. There have been numerous changes, but I realize they may not be noticed. Here are a few examples, of so many possible examples:
-Junior Great Books which teaches active listening, responding using text support, and reading complex and lengthy text. These three features are directly taken from the Common Core. All of our grade levels are engaged in Junior Great Books throughout the year, but not everyday. We use guided reading to teach the reading skills.
-Another feature is the development of critical thinking skills. Schools have been adopting a problem solving approach for many years. We continue to fine tune our practice each year. You can search for depth of knowledge (DOK) on the internet to get a glimpse of this approach. We look for developments from a DOK 1 to a DOK 3 or 4 in any unit of study.
- A third feature of the Common Core is exposure to various types of writing. We will be honing our teaching skills in this area this year as we study the Lucy Calkins Writer's Workshop approach out of Teacher's College. This is the focus of our Oct professional development day.
Please know that I feel the Common Core has raised the standards and expectations in an appropriate way. It has caused the staff to work more closely together, and to increase our opportunities for professional development. I see this as a win-win.
I'd like to believe that we can take the politics out, put research in and say that things are moving in a good direction and I personally feel very proud of the staff for their uncanny ability to rally together and find a way to make it work, and work well at that
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Welcome Back!!
I hope the start to your child's/children's school year has been as invigorating as it has been for us at school. The summer always provides a chance to reflect, plan, and implement changes designed to make Southeast School a better place. This past summer has been no exception. We have implemented a new birthday celebration policy. While we will continue to celebrate children's birthdays, we will no longer accept food. This decision is based on the health, safety, and wellness of all of our students.
Tonight is our Open House from 6:30 to 7:30. I hope you will join us! We look forward to seeing you at this, and many of the other great events we have planned this year.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Welcome Ms. Bayard, thrid grade teacher
I am pleased to announce and welcome our new third grade teacher - Ms. Ashley Bayard.
Ironically, Ashley is not new to Southeast. Just two
years ago, Ashley successfully completed her student teaching with Mr.
Maheu in first grade. From there, she gained experience during her UConn fifth year internship
teaching Literacy in third grade at Naubuc School in Glastonbury. She fosters
relationships with adults and children exceptionally well, she has strong
content knowledge, excellent classroom management techniques, asks thoughtful questions,
and is willing to do anything she can to make her students
successful. Plus, she absolutely loves Southeast! We couldn't ask for a better fit to our dedicated staff and school.
Our committee was comprised of representatives from central office, administration, parents, students, teaching staff, and support personnel. We reviewed 49 applications, conducted 10 interviews, and observed 2 demo lessons and we are so happy to have ended the search with Ms. Bayard.
Welcome Ashley! We look forward to watching you grow with us.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Retirement Announcement-Ms. Liebman
After 11 years of service to Mansfield Schools at Southeast, our beloved school psychologist, Ms. Marie Liebman, has retired. We feel grateful for the years Ms. Liebman spent helping our students adapt to new situations, creating academic reports and education plans, guiding colleagues, and supporting families. We will miss her tremendously and wish her the best of everything as she embarks on this new journey.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Last day of School
Tomorrow is our last day of school. We are feeling proud if our fourth graders and the growth they made this year. I wish them a great start to MMS! Please visit and stay in touch.
Tomorrow we have a brief introduction to your child's teacher for next year. We call it Step Up Day. Our staffing for next year is as follows:
Pre K: Mrs. Harakaly
K: Mrs. LaBella, Mrs. Robichaud
1: Ms. Hathway, Mr. Maheu
2: Mrs. Cackowski, Mrs. deVecchis, Ms. Kamienski
3: Mr. Hendricks, Mrs. Villar, and a new teacher who will be determined by a committee by early August
4: Mrs. Sangree, Mr. Warinsky
Our office is open most days in the summer, but we recommend you call before you come in to visit. Sometimes vacation schedules might prevent us from opening our office on certain days.
Please take time to set up a daily routine for your child to practice math facts, reading and journaling this summer. It's well known that summer regression will occur if students don't continually work on their skills. It was such a successful year, we would love to see continued growth over the summer!!
Enjoy your summer months. Please don't hesitate to reach out if I can be of any help to you over the summer.
Fun in our own Backyard
It was a "perfect" day in every we celebrated the traditional Fun in Our Own Backyard. The day started with the opening ceremony highlighted by our own Southeast Drum Line and a core group of students who performed a hysterically funny play. We cheered, chanted, and clapped. Then students headed outside for water games and other activities. The afternoon consisted of stations with the ever-exciting bubble blowing and a homemade play dough station for the younger students. The older students played "Capture the Frisbee" and that, they did. After the fun-filled day, Ms. Parker surprised everyone with a guest appearance by EOSmith's drum line. Everyone was amazed! The finale was a three bucket dump over my head to the "winning" 15! Congrats to our fourth grade team leaders of the lead team, Lucas and Ben! It was a great day for everyone involved.
Many thanks to the parents who volunteered their time, and the teachers involved in the planning, preparation, and execution of a noteworthy day. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Mansfield Teacher of the Year 2014 Announced!!
We are so proud to announce that our very own Mrs. Erika LaBella has been selected as the Teacher of the Year for Mansfield Public Schools. Those who have had the pleasure of working with her, and even those who haven't, know of the many talents she brings to our students each and every day. Southeast is fortunate, in my opinion, to have the lion share of outstanding staff members. It's just another great reason to celebrate all we do here at SE. We look forward to a formal ceremony in the Fall. In the meantime, please help us celebrate with Mrs. LaBella!
Mrs. Shay Day
We were fortunate to have the expertise of Mrs. Shay as our district Literacy Consultant. After 15 years in this role, she is retiring. We are sad to see her go, but celebrated in true SE style. Special thanks to the MANY teachers and students who were involved in our celebratory play written by our very own, Ms. Kamienski. What a show!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Suzuki Concert
Suzuki touring performance, here is the MMS Orchestra and the Suzuki Strings! Amazing talent from start to finish. Congratulations to all involved.
Educational, yet fun, Ideas for Summer Vacation
Top 10 Summer
Regression Remedies
10. Read 10 minutes each day for each grade you have
completed (3rd grade=30 min.)
9. Keep a journal of places you visit and things you do.
8. Go on a field trip (zoo, museum, etc.)
7. Play on-line math fact building games or typing programs
to keep skills sharp
6. Have a family game night
5. Go to the Mansfield library weekly
4. Read to a sibling, friend, or a relative.
3. Read the cartoon section of the newspaper or complete the
word search, or Sudoku.
2. Take a hike and identify the birds, trees, plants or
rocks you come across.
Start a book club with friends
Friday, May 30, 2014
Leadership Cluster Donation
The leadership enrichment cluster donated 100 bags of homemade cookies to the Covenant Soup kitchen in Willimantic today. Here is one of the volunteers, Neil, so happy to receive the donation. What a worthwhile project, and it was the childrens' idea.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Ms. Math Invades First Grade
Our world has been turned upside down. Ms. Math brought her dice into Southeast and we've never been the same since.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
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